So I give Darry the prescription which he has no idea how to put into his computer and tells me to come back another day. Well I tell him I drove half an hour to get there, and I'm a pretty busy guy, the prescription is almost expired, and can't come back during the day anyway. So he calls his co-worker (who does absolutely nothing over the phone with him). So I ask to see his computer. I end up putting my own prescription in the computer (I'm pretty sure this probably isn't legal (that doesn't make sense I am aware)...but I guess you can't get high off of contacts so why not let a customer do all the work). The only way I'm really able to do this is by calling the Sam's club in Provo (which had my prescription already in the system and if Sam's Club was a little bit better they'd just have their systems linked so you can get your prescription wherever you are) and talking through how to put stuff in the computer (I figured it out for the most part, but putting in the actual prescription was a little tricky).
So if this wasn't enough he starts to ring me up and it rings up as around $50/box which is WAY more then I usually pay for my contacts, so I have to fix my prescription in the computer to the alternate prescription that I have on these contacts (which are 3x cheaper and just as good as far as I know). Anyway, I get it fixed and he's going to void out the old transaction and charge me the real price, but instead he kept on ringing up the old price until it gets to an exuberant amount of money of $527.34 (I know it was this amount because I wrote it down to tell people about later). So I say..."I'm not paying that much....you've done something wrong." So he says (once again as he said a billion times) "I Sorry" and calls over his COS (the Sam's club cashier people's supervisors).
So this big black guy comes over with wavy curly black hair wearing a big "R" belt buckle who's name is "Percy" comes over and says in a femme voice "I'm Sorry." and proceeds to ring it up (correctly) and leaves. So I finally pay (after being there for about an hour) get some other groceries and go back and get my car (after it had been done with the oil change for a LONG time). The weird thing is Darry keeps my prescription which I was a little hesitant to let him do in case the contacts didn't make it (they do by the way and I get my now expired prescription back).

Well at least I won't need to get contacts again for a while....
Ha! I found your blog. Not that you were trying to hide it. Hmmmm. So, you are officially hilarious. I particularly loved the Disneyland story. Classic! I'm feeling like my blog is especially bland now.
You have the most entertaining stories on your blog... you need to blog more often! :)
I only have 2 entertaining stories and I just finished them both. That's probably why I won't blog more! :-) Thanks though Dan!
yes, you need to blog more often...and be careful with those contacts...I had the same habits and ended up having to use drops and wear my glasses for a month and not be able to drive because the sun would blind me...now I wear daily contacts so I get to throw them away everyday...so nice
Yeah I probably should blog more Amy. And how much do those daily contacts cost? That sounds WAY to expensive...by the way the same thing happened to me in High School but with soft contacts (1 yr.) It was miserable. I couldn't see or drive as well. The eye doctor told me that it was like I sneezed in my eye.
Shoot, I was going to buy some contacts there today. I have my first contact appointment with Dr. Pyne there today. I hope contacts work out. Look, nobody's posted here since Oct 2007!
Who are you Rut? Do you got to the Sam's club in California? If not then you shouldn't have a problem at the Sam's club....hopefully.
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