Saturday, November 3, 2007

Wii are sad...

Well I haven't posted for a while I think it's because I've decided that I won't post unless my girlfriend posts and since I wrote her last post (before the most recent one you can find by clicking "Heather" on the right hand side of this page) I decided I didn't have to blog for a while...well she blogged, so now I feel like I have to blog until she blogs again. It will be a never ending cycle (or so I hope).

Anyway, as some of you may know I've unfortunately had to leave Heather for a lot of weekends in a row. Well other then that other bad things have happened to me. I've been losing things I guess you can say.

For instance last weekend I lost my sunglasses, my planner, and my chapstick...

Anyway, so that sucked....but most likely it was my fault I lost these things.

The good news of last weekend was I was actually offered an internship for the winter semester so that was good and these things are easily replaceable (I later found another thing of ChapStick that I had lost before I had lost the latest ChapStick). It may cost upward to $5-$10 to replace those things. Probably not that much if I were able to get another free BYU planner, and a $0.99 pair of sunglasses (that's probably how much the other ones were worth anyway.

Anyway, this weekend I actually stayed the weekend after my office visit in Dallas to see my family (despite siblings who apparently didn't want to see me as they went on dates) and to go to another office visit (in New York) on Monday (I still haven't heard back from the office visit yesterday).

Well while I was watching a movie (Dan in Real Life....very good movie by the way) at the theater this morning I got like 3 phone calls in a row. Well I never get one phone call in a day little own 3 in a row. Well I don't like leaving movies and for the most part I was enjoying the movie, this however seemed suspicious and I immediately thought something was wrong (I forgot to mention this to you Heather but I thought something had gone horribly wrong with you and that was the reason why I was receiving all the phone calls). Needless to say I was worried.

I then get a text.

The text basically confirms (well not confirms...Heather was alright playing her recital as I thought she may be and as you can read about in her blog) my worries and I come to find out through a series of texts and a failed attempt at a phone call (Sorry Jason I had bad service in that hallway leading into the theater) that my relatively new Nintendo Wii (my birthday present to myself) was stolen.

Anyway, after the movie I was finally able to call my friend and found out the details (basically the details are the roommate went to bed at around 2:00 to 2:30 a.m....he didn't lock the door because people were coming in and out all night...a roommates friend came in at around 3:30 a.m. and noticed the lamp was on, but didn't think anything of it. My roommate wakes up in the morning, goes out into the living room and sees that my wii (with controllers and nunchucks and my Metroid Prime 3 game in it), his cell phone, and his ps2 are missing. What they (or he/she) didn't steal were another roomies vcr/dvd combo, a dvd player, a computer and monitor, and a bunch of dvds, wii games, books, and PEZ dispensers.

We have no idea who did it. I then proceeded to give the police officer (who my roommates had contacted about this) my name and told him no one had borrowed my wii and my roommate found serial numbers and what not we needed to give the officer to hopefully track it down.

I HIGHLY doubt anything will come of it. Although I hope you all can have faith for me. I did check to see that they couldn't get my Credit Card number from the wii (as I had bought something from the virtual console) (they can't apparently) or buy any other virtual games with the number (although I think I did still have 200 points left).

Anyway I am taking a collection plate for purchase of replacements of the lost things if anyone wants to donate! I doubt I will get Metroid 3 again as I don't really have the patience to play back up to the point I was at to beat the game.

I hope I don't lose anything more this next weekend when I go out of town for the last time on office visits.

If you want to donate you know where to find me.



Heather said...

By-the-way, I am a friend of Heather, hope you don't mind that I checked out your blog after reading hers.
So sorry to hear about the Wii. I know how devastating that can be. We actually own one also and we love it. Hopefully something good will come of it and it will find its way back to you. If it never makes it back to you, you and Heather are welcome to come on up and play ours. Best of luck. CONGRATULATIONS on the internship that was offered.

heath said...

Do you like that all my friends are stalking you? I hope you don't mind. I may have to post more if it means that you will keep posting! I will pray for your Wii to be found. Faith is a power, right?

And I really like your cartoon, but I don't think it's a good idea to make those kind of deals with God. ;)

ROAST said...

I really don't find if anyone reads my blog. I blog for everyone to see....well for the most part. As long as you introduce yourself its cool.

So Heather do you have a blog? Thanks for the congrats.

Girlfriend Heather, I don't care if all your friends are stalking me. Just as long as the people that are stalking me actually know me in some way or another.

Faith is definitely power. I thought it was a good cartoon (but don't worry I really don't feel that way).

ROAST said...

You may have to post more by the way. I don't know if that necessarily means I will post more, it will just mean that I will have to post (and get to read more about you)! :-)

Heather said...

Roast, I don't know you except for what Heather has said but I find you to be a hilarious boy. We do have a blog and Heather has a link to it on her blog (Heather and Jared).

Unknown said...

1. YEA YEA YEA for posting. Do it more (both of you)yikes, I guess that means I should too
2. Congrats on the internship... give us details
3.loved Dan in Real Life. sorry it got interrupted. but glad that Heather was ok, and super sweet that that's what you were afraid of
4. I'm not surprised you lost your chapstick. I was constantly finding stuff that you left behind at my house in hs from your pockets-almost always it was a pencil and chapstick. Glad you found your other one though.
5. So sorry about the may not get it back, but on the upside you may make police beat :)
6. You rock. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Royce you lose everything. Especially you're mind.
