Thursday, October 18, 2007

Why is it called Roast's blog?

Well as I write this there are still 3 hours until the votes close (I don't know why I had to wait until the votes closed, I guess the truth is I was just lazy) for what you want me to blog about. Unfortunately this isn't the most amusing anecdote, but you guys asked for it.

So some of you may already know that my nickname is ROAST. My real name I won't reveal here because you should already know it if you are reading this. If not you're creepy...stop stalking me. How I got this nickname really isn't too interesting so I'll talk about nicknames in general and such.
Do any of you remember the Seinfeld episode "The Maid" it was from the 9th season, 19 episode (at least according to this script I read. Well basically amongst other things that are pretty funny in the episode (I think I've only seen it once, but just read the script) Jerry hires a maid/prostitute (I suggest skipping that part of the script), Kramer breaks up with his girlfriend because she lives in a different part of New York (he also gets lost in this part of NY), Elaine goes through phone number problems (this part is actually pretty funny), but the most important thing that happens in this episode of Seinfeld is that George gets the nickname Koko (the monkey) and then Gammy when all he wants is the nickname T-bone. Anyway this has nothing to do with how I got the nickname ROAST, but T-bone and ROAST are kind of similar, and it is an accountant in the episode that gets the nickname! :-)

Anyway, this is how I got my nickname. I was at scout camp (a long time ago) and one of the guys from another ward was handing out nicknames. A guy named Brandon got the nickname Brenda (that's the only one I remember) and I got the nickname Roast. Well mine stuck because this guy would always call me this so everyone else started calling me it. So I introduced myself as it in my freshmen year of college. It stuck. Lately it hasn't stuck so much, but people still call me it, and I try to introduce myself as my name/ROAST.

I've had other nicknames but if I say them they might give my name away. Like *****-c-poo is a prominent one especially from my sister. *****-c-bear. Yep...

Anyway, I think Roast is a cool nickname. I want to name one of my kids Roast, and I want to name like everything ROAST (like put it on my license plate or something). I even think the teddy bear I gave my girlfriend may be named Roast.

One Halloween I went as a Roast. Everyone thought it was funny, but everyone that didn't know my nickname just thought it was a piece of meat! :-) I think my mom still has this costume.

Anyway, I told you it wasn't much of a story.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


I've felt uninspired to blog about I created that poll to the right of this blog post (it's basically from a different blog post though). Vote now! :-)